Home / Short Courses / UETDRMP010 - Provide first aid in an ESI environment

UETDRMP010 - Provide first aid in an ESI environment


UETDRMP010 Provide First Aid in an ESI Environment


HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


This Competency Standard Unit covers the provision of first aid in an Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) environment. It includes the recognition and provision of an initial response where first aid is required in emergency situations by providing essential first aid using basic life support measures according to established workplace first aid policies and procedures.


Duration: 1/2 day 

Delivery: Face to Face Classes

  • Course Details
  • Course Outcomes
  • Location

Short Course

Duration: 1/2-Day

The Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) requires mandatory Annual Refresher training that includes the UETDRMP010 Provide First Aid in an ESI Environment to make sure that every worker is current in applying ESI First Aid and CPR.

This course includes two accredited units of competency in line with the Vegetation Skills Training Matrix

We deliver this course through one day of Theory and one day of hands on Practical 

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the 1/2-Day course you will receive a Statement of Attainment certifying your completion of the National Recognised Training as well as the Certificate of Competency for the non-accredited components of your training.


Accredited Units of Competency included:

  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • UETDRMP010 Provide first aid in an ESI environment


For further information contact our team at admin@dnatraining.com.au


DNA Training Solutions works in auspice agreement with Thoughtplanters RTO 40739. Statements of Attainment and Certificates are issued through Thoughtplanters as Nationally Recognised Training


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Training Locations

ESI First Aid Annual Refreshers provides you with access to our e-learning portal.

You can complete your theory anytime anywhere. You don't have to sit in a classroom!

You will be able to access our Trainers and Assessors through the e-learning portal.

We offer LLN support to help guide you through your learning journey with us. 

Once you have finished your theory you will automatically sent a notification of the Practical Day training location. 


Practical Location

Our Trainers and Assessors take you hands on to maintain your skills and knowledge.


DNA Training Solutions